Back on the road, we had a few stops before our ultimate goal of staying near the Vatnajokull glacier. Our first of these was the Eldhraun lava field, which was created by an eruption in the late 1700s. The moss covered lava rocks stretched on seemingly forever and looked like another planet.

Not too far from the lava field was a completely different landscape, Fjaðrárgljúfur canyon. We parked in the little parking lot off the paved road and hiked our way up the hill. There is another parking lot off an F-road, I believe; not sure if it is paved, but it is closer to the top of the canyon, so not as much uphill walking, if F-roads are an option. We were greeted with an amazing view. At the end of the walkway, a cascading waterfall poured water into the river running through the canyon. This was also a Game of Thrones filming location.

It was beginning to rain, so we headed on our way. We were making good time, so we decided to make a stop at Dverghamrar, or the dwarf rocks. These interesting rock formations were formed similarly to the basalt columns at Reynisfjara, and thought to date back to the Ice Age. It also had a great view across the street of Foss a Sidu, one of many, many waterfalls we drove by coming off the highlands.

We kept driving, passing waterfall after waterfall, until the landscape changed yet again…